View the updated agenda below, including session information, dates and times. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

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Day 1
Noon–7:30 p.m. Registration Participants can check in during this time and receive their conference materials.
4:30–5:30 p.m. Cocktail Hour Enjoy refreshing cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, courtesy of Syngenta.
5:30–6:30 p.m. KEYNOTE | Championship Performances: Life and Legacy Dan Gable | Olympic Gold Medal Wrestler & Coach: At this opening session, learn powerful life lessons from the greatest wrestling figure in American history. Dan Gable draws on his own experiences as wrestler and coach to share how the paths you choose and the setbacks you experience can lead you to success.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

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Day 2
7 a.m.–Noon Registration Participants can check in during this time and receive their conference materials.
7–8 a.m. Breakfast Start your day with coffee and light bites.
8–8:15 a.m. Welcome Mike Pearson | Director of Broadcasting & Emcee: Mike will provide a brief overview of the summit and share what to expect in the upcoming days.
8:15–9 a.m. Lessons From the 2023 Growing Season & 2024 Weather Outlook Eric Snodgrass | Sr. Science Fellow and Principal Atmospheric Scientist | Nutrien Ag Solutions: Each year presents a new set of weather challenges for farmers. Eric will focus on how to use the abundance of existing weather data to stay ahead to disruptive weather events. He will talk about the limits of weather predictability and share resources available to monitor changes in longer range forecasts. He will review the major lessons from the 2023 growing season and talk about the high impact events like widespread hail damage, Midwest and Southern U.S. Drought, and the hurricane season. The session will focus on El Niño and La Niña outlook for the next 3–9 months. You will learn about the 2023–24 growing season in South America, which competes directly with major U.S. commodity crops.
9–9:30 a.m. Coffee Break Grab a cup of joe and chat with attendees.
9:30–10:30 a.m. BREAKOUT A | Marketing Plans 101: How To Write a Pre- and Post-Harvest Marketing Plan Ed Usset | Grain Marketing Economist: Everybody says, “You need a grain marketing plan,” but what does a good marketing plan look like? In this session grain marketing educator Ed Usset will present and defend a 2024 pre-harvest grain marketing plan. You will examine the key elements of a plan, including target prices, decision dates and pricing tools. You will also discuss the key components of a post-harvest marketing plan, and try to answer the question, “To store, or not to store?” Get ready to explore marketing plans and a different approach to grain marketing.
9:30–10:30 a.m. BREAKOUT B | Principles of Business Management and Leadership Jay Joy, Founder and Managing Partner | Curt Covington, Senior Director: How do you learn leadership skills to run a modern farm business? What are the key people skills you need? Ag banker Curt Covington and business coach Jay Joy share advice on how to develop decision makers with strong and thoughtful communications skills; managers who set the proper example and can motivate others in your organization. These managers know how to motivate others to do their best and reward success.
10:45–11:45 a.m. BREAKOUT C | How to Leverage your Crop Insurance & Incorporate Better Risk Management Steve Johnson | Retired Farm Management Specialist: Take your grain marketing and risk management to the next level as we discuss 2024 crop cost estimates, crop margins, cash flow, crop insurance, futures seasonals, basis trends, storage and related issues. Former Iowa State University Extension farm management specialist Steve Johnson is here to answer your questions.
10:45–11:45 a.m. BREAKOUT D | Leading With Impact: How a Mission-Mindset Helps the Best Farms Thrive Dean Heffta | Founder and Director: Farm leaders are continually faced with challenges of weather, employees, logistics, financials and much more. These urgent issues can lead even the best operations to stray from building the future they want. In this session, leadership trainer Dean Heffta equips participants with high-leverage skills and tools that farm leaders can put to work today to align their operation for success.
Noon–1 p.m. Lunch Take a break and enjoy the provided lunch.
1–2 p.m. Panel: The Future of Ag Technology feat. Raven and BASF Scott Shearer, Jason Orr, Ben Sheldon, Kurt Maertens and Mike Pearson: How will digital agriculture and precision equipment change the farm landscape? Can automated machinery reduce labor costs and work around weather delays? Join us for an exciting look at the future of farming.
2–3 p.m. Social Networking Hour Attendees get a chance to meet up and learn from each other. Exchange ideas with other like-minded farmers over coffee and desserts. Share your successes and failures and what you learned along the way.
3:15–4:15 p.m. BREAKOUT E | Solving the Ag Labor Crisis: How To Use the Government H-2A Foreign Worker Program Todd Miller | Founder and CEO: How do you use the government's H-2A program to find workers? How do you find and retain great talent that makes your farm more profitable? Learn the secrets to finding and retaining quality employees to help you grow your business.
3:15–4:15 p.m. BREAKOUT F | How To Modernize Your Farm Office Peter Martin | Certified Merger and Acquisition Advisor: Do your farm office procedures need an overhaul? Here's a glimpse at the benefits of using technology to modernize or automate accounts payable and receivable, bill paying, financial and operational data, improve inventory tracking, increase traceability and other financial management tasks.
5–6 p.m. Cocktail Hour Enjoy a refreshing beverage, courtesy of Pinion.
6–7 p.m. Dinner Dinner will be served. Broadcast Director Mike Pearson will emcee.
7–8 p.m. Comedy Show Jerry Carroll | Farmer and Comedian: Sit back and relax as Jerry Carroll shares his unique wit and wisdom with a unique southern flair. Jerry farmed for 20 years before pursuing his life’s dream of entertaining people and making them laugh.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

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Day 3
7:15–8 a.m. Breakfast Start your day with coffee and light bites.
8–8:45 a.m. Changing Trends in Agriculture: Markets, Media and What Lies Ahead Tommy Grisafi | Commodity Broker: In recent years, agricultural markets have experienced surprising twists and turns. Questions swirl around interest rates and the overall economy as farmers are bombarded with information. In this session, you will learn how to navigate this sea of data, figure out what sources to trust, and how to make sense of all this information. The ability to do so will shape your future in agriculture, defining marketing success and sustainability for generations to come.
9-10 a.m. BREAKOUT G | Family Dynamics: Farm Transition Conversation Starters for a Multi-Generation Family Business Jessica Groskopf | Regional Extension Economist: How do you have the important conversations that keep communications moving on a professional farm? Join University of Nebraska extension educator Jessica Groskopf to learn about conversation starters that help farm efficiency, build trust for smoother transitions and create greater workplace satisfaction.
9-10 a.m. BREAKOUT H | Farmer Panel: Farm Transitions in the Real World Moderator: Mike Downey | Midwest Farmers: Scott McPheeters, Roger Safranek and Ben Riensche: Lots of experts talk about transition planning; now meet three real world farmers who are doing it. Nebraska and Iowa growers share successes and failures as they work to ensure a successful transfer of the business to the next generation.
10–10:30 a.m. Coffee Break + Expo Grab a cup of joe and chat with exhibitors and attendees.
10:30–Noon KEYNOTE | Get Out of Your Own Way: Building a Legacy That Lasts Longer Than You Do Brooke Didier Starks | Estate Planning Attorney: Building true legacy means creating a plan for generations that you may never even meet. Farm clients often plan for their spouses and kids and even to save a little taxes, but real legacy transcends the here and now for lasting impact on the farm and into the generations of the future. The hardest part is laying the framework and then moving out of the way to let it flourish.